Saturday, April 29, 2006
♥16 blocks♥
miumiu and i caught 16 blocks last night.
not a bad show, at least it kept my entertained got that 2 hours.
and i actually din know cineleisure got such a happening level 9!!!!
call me suaku again.
haha.. but that place looks like its heaven for hard core gamers!
nicee. :D

i think miumiu looks like a hamsterin these pictures. hahaha.
anyway miumiu was busy with work until around 8pm.
so i met up with him rather late. lazed around at our favourite cafe cartel..
it was a lazy friday.
and today even worse, miumiu went swimming.dumping his girlfriend at home. :""(
mann... and the thought that i still have to continue studying for the last paper sucks big time.
URGH.yesterday, mommy asked me how i planned to celebrate my 21st birthday.
hahaha.. i was a little taken aback.
because mommy isn't really the birthday parties kind of person.
yups.. but it was sweet. hehehe!
miumiu said he's gonna help me make a birthday party too!
i think my mom and miumiu can work on this together.
yay. got party lo!
*beams*the only worry is the location.
i reckon its going to take place in some chalet, as usual.
and i hope its not too inaccessible.
like myself, i think it is not very desirable to travel all the way to very ulu-fied places for parties.
esp when i still have to travel home at night.
very dangerous. esp when i have so many
pretty friends.
i don't know man.. i'll see what i can do.
and if you guys don't know, my dad actually share the same birthday as me!
so i'll get my dad to bring along some of his beer kakis.
and he'll have a good time too. :))
I LOVE PARTIES!hehehe.. actually still got quite long leh. august..
but i'm pretty excited already. hahaha!
(0) love for pegs
Friday, April 28, 2006
♥sindy dear! my favourite dear! hehehe!♥
I LOVE SINDY DEAR!!!!i went shopping with sindy dear in orchard today!although the shoppng trip was shortlived, but i enjoyed myself very much!
here is gorgeous sindy dearie and i~~~

WE HEART SHOPPING! hehe.. and i heart sindy dear! :D :D :D

sindy dear is going to be off for attachment soon.
so she wanted to get a decent working bag.
this bag screams "gorgeous business chick" haha. and the best thing is, it's only $18.90!
i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to buy the white one!
its very very super super nice.
but thinking that i just bought another bag few days ago,
i managed to curb the urge and got control over myself.
i am really very proud of myself. :)
i've never ate friend mars bars before.
when sindy showed me this delicacy, haha.. (delicacy is an understatement)
i was pretty amazed.
call me suaku. but it tastes really good!
but it is SO sinful.
i couldn't bring myself to eat too much. haha.
i'm afraid of pimples. :(

i went for my interview after the shopping trip.
and i'm soooo glad everything went on smoothly!
hehehehe.. the agency is pretty reputable and decent.
and i'm glad they have agreed to represent me.
the person in charge asked if i planned to keep my hair long.
and i think i screamed, "YES!"
haha.. i hope i didn't scare her. :p
she said long hair sells better. hahaha.. which i can't agree more!
long hair long hair, i loveee youuu!~~
she hope i won't get any darker too!
which is just what is going to happen!
peggy is going to be the FAIREST of them all!!!!
haha. :)
i'm so happy.
like what sindy dear said,
(0) love for pegs
Thursday, April 27, 2006
♥miss pegs gym♥
i went gym today!
feel so so so healthy now! hahaha.
went with melvyn, lionel, and kaidi!
it feels really good to meet up with old friends! hahaha..
lionel is just as goofy as before.
i did treadmill today. haha..
i am one girl who can't run for nuts!
there was once when i went night jogging with miumiu when we were still staying in hall.
i was very very tired already and couldn't run anymore!
but miumiu was very pushy!
he kept urging me to continue and jog slowly at least.
from then on, miumiu ALWAYS use this to make fun of me!
make me throw face!
he say nobody jog until cry on loh.
i ran for 20 mins today!yay. achievement! hahaha!i think i've lost weight!weird because i didn't do anything to make myself lose the weight.
but its a good thing anyway. hehehe!
i'm barely 48kg now! yay! i likeee!
but i think i still have lots of fats stucked in my thighs.
hahaha. and my cheeks!
the fats distribution is really quite bad.
my shoulders are very very boney. chest too.
and my ass so big. (-_-)
doesn't matter. haha..
anyway, i'll be going for an interview tomorrow!
to passerby** who tagged in my tagboard,
hmm.. actually its not call them up for lobangs
but i'm actually looking for an agency to represent me.
i used to have an agent but quitted already.
and now i'm only doing jobs only when i have friends who have lobang.
so i thought having a permanent agent will do me good.
anyway, i hope everything goes well tomorrow.
i'm always very stressed when it comes to this sort of things.
i spent 4 hours doing pedicure and manicure today!
i think it was time well spent!
from cuticles to buffing to shaping to polishing and moisturising!
i love it!although my nails are short, but i made them look very neat and clean now.
and i'm SOO proud of myself! :D

pardon my blackie feet. hahaha.

you guys have to watch this clip anyway!!
(0) love for pegs
♥one more paper to go!♥
but before that happens,
i have already freed myself! HAHAHAHA!
went shopping with miumiu!! and we bought bags! hehehe.
i love bags i love bags!
my previous black bag is torn already!
so i bought a new one!
miumiu bought himself a new Pony bag too! *beams*
today's paper was rather ok.
although i couldn't do almost half of the paper, i was relieved to find out that most of my friends had problems too.
that means...
i'm going to start on my find-more-money plan!
i called up several agencies and see what we can do for each other.
sigh. my present agency is not really efficient in bringing jobs for me.
or should i say that i'm not really THAT good to be active in certain fields.
yeps. maybe you dunno what i'm talking about. haha.. never mind.
more agencies = more lobang!
i'm miss kiasu.
ANYWAY!i hope things go fine for me!
going to resume my "tuition regime" tomorrow too!
more money for me to shop in bangkok.
more money to spend! hahaha.
i think no man will dare to marry me.
my final shoutout!
"I LOVE MY BAG!!!!!!"i think my teeth really is rather yellowish! :(

(0) love for pegs
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
♥i hate studying alone at night!♥
i hate studying alone at night.i hate listening to love songs on radio at night when i'm all alone.
i feel like i'm the only person in the whole world without miumiu around sometimes.
when miumiu is not with me, i need another person with me.
that other person is definitely not "mr structures one"
bleah bleah.
i want to work!
i want to earn money!i'm so so so broke these days.i ceased all my tuition sessions because of this stupid exam!
and hence i've ceased all my incomes as well! GRR.
i must get back to tuition after exams!
and my tuition girls are going to have their exams soon.
miss chang must rush to their rescue!!!!! hehehehe!
pegs loves bathroom slippers with cosy socks! :D
back to books....
(0) love for pegs
Monday, April 24, 2006
♥2 more papers for peggy!♥
2 more papers to go!!!
brace up! i can make it!!!!
i think i should start looking for something to do for the holidays.
i wanna work!
i wanna earn money!
i wanna shop!
i wanna buy things!!!!
*huff huff*
i think i'm going to do very very very badly in this exam.
very very very badly. :(
if you know of anyone wanting to hire someone, tell ME!
i wanna be a beauty advisor.. :""(
like those clean.. bright.. (sounds like edelwiss) pretty.. anna sui or shiseido girls in TANGS.
sometimes, i secretly wish i can be a mee hoon kuay stall assistant.
i will steal the recipe and make my own mee hoon kuay at home!
YAY! that will be so cool! :D
i went over to miumiu's friend's place at bukit timah 2 nights before for a soccer match.
YES. me watching soccer.
i almost fell off the couch asleep.

then i went over to miumiu's house for the night.
you know.. miumiu is supposed to accompany me while i study. but he ALWAYS FALLS ASLEEP!
to punish him, i drew on his hands. haha.. nice?
i was afraid that he might have nightmares. so i drew a BIG smiley face!
i was afraid that he might lose track of time, so i drew a watch on his wrist. LOL.

today's shoutout: "i love olay white radiance UV whitening lotion!!!!!"
(0) love for pegs
Friday, April 21, 2006
♥hot dude - mr pegs♥
hahaha.. i bought this new belt. i thought it kinda looks like the big fat belt as seen in WWE. those big wrestling king's belt. yah, you should know what i'm trying to say.. haha.
so my brother did an impersonation with the belt. but it sucked.
so i decide to show him what a real hot wrestling king hot dude looks like.
so handsome. hahaha. i'm so glad i don't have that much facial hair in real life. haha. because when miumiu saw me with all that horhor, he freaked out a bit before bursting out in laughter.
i think miumiu hates hairy girls. hahahahaha!!!!
then, i managed to talk miumiu into acting like a horny bitch and then take photos with me, the hairy bastard. :p
so nice. miumiu looks great with my headband. wahaha! (this is what too much studying has done to me)

so after i shaved away all that facial hair, he loves me just as much. :)
just a bit less than his love for melon seeds and tv...... (-_-)
see how his damm eyes are glued to my tv set!!!!!! (grrrrrr....)

quote of the day: "pegs loves reading shampoo bottles while pooing"
(0) love for pegs
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
the paper i took this afternoon is the worse one for the whole year probably.
i'm so screewwwed.
(0) love for pegs
Saturday, April 15, 2006
♥oh no!!♥
look at this.
i'm definitely better looking than this!!!! (screams!)
what is one more tooth doing in between my 2 front teeth?!
2 right sides of pegs looks hideous!!!!!!
2 left sides of pegs looks just as bad!!!

i'd be contented even with an orh bak kak then to look like the previous two aliens.

moral of the story folks.
be contented with how you look like. it could be WORST!!!!! we're blessed.
(0) love for pegs
Friday, April 14, 2006
i went out yesterday night with miumiu.
caught a show at cineleisure.
nto a bad show after all.
dunno why 8DAYS magazine gave it 2 outta 5 stars.
hmm.. being more shallow and having less expectations for a movie can really make it easier for one to enjoy a show better. :)
i wore my new top! :) $17. really good good good buy~

miumiu and i went to our usual hangout.
mister and miss small mouth
mister and miss big mouth
mister and miss big nostrils
mister and miss constricted nostrils

then.. i ran into sindy dear!!!!!hehehe. so so so so happy to see her after so long.
haven't seen her in weeks!
i missed her! :D
her hair is so much longer already.
doubly doubly girly and pretty now! *drool*

dada look totally drained out after the show.
he is always like this.
nothing new lah.

sigh. miumiu just left my place.
got his soccer again tomorrow.
i hate it.
the exams are driving me nuts! sigh.
i hate it....
i hate exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(0) love for pegs
Thursday, April 13, 2006
♥*~~pegs stewed chicken wings~~*♥
it is home alone day.
my dad went out to celebrate his friend's birthday.
my mom had to work full day.
and my brother got some school committment and hence have to reach home late.
i suddenly had this surge of maturity overwhelming me in the late afternoon.
i decided to COOK!
only my younger brother and me eating. so only prepared 2 dishes.
steamed eggs with crab sticks!
my favourite!

SEE! my steamed egges got good complexion one ok.
not those with large pores. hahaha!!
i forgot to add salt and pepper to season before steaming though.
so its a little blend. what a waste.
luckily the crabsticks added some flavour to it. :))

i prepared a bit more. so i brought some for my mom. (my mom's working place is just a stone's throw from my house)
after that, i smsed her asking about my cooking. and she replied "very delicious thank u"
hahaha... very "reserved" and tame kind of reply.. but it warms my heart to see my mom's reply. keke! :))
i'm so happy! its time to mug again! yay.

(0) love for pegs
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
♥my first paper♥
i went mugging with rossie dear at woodlands library yesterday.
it was nice!!
because this time,
WE REMEMBERED TO TAKE PHOTOS!!!!!she got the same phone as me! so we started snapping away! :)
i was telling her online the day before we went out to mug together
that i would dress up. so i asked her to wear until pretty pretty too!
sure enough, she turned up pretty!! with a new hair trim too!
it was cold in the library.
beneath that jacket is a v pretty tube top!
i'm so disappointed with my own definition of dressing pretty.:"(
nevertheless, here are the photos.

i've known rosaline for quite a while.
but its the first time i see her handwriting!
as pretty as herself. :DSO NEAT! hehehe.

i had my first paper today.
it was an elective paper so things weren't that bad.
but i really got a shock when i turned over the exam paper.
you know normally when you turn over the exam paper and found some shocking questions, you'll scream "huh!" in your heart right?
today, i literally screamed out that "HUH!" when i saw the questions..
for the past few semesters, the format of this particular paper has been 50 MCQs and 1 structured question.
but this time, it was 12 MCQs and 4 structured questions!!!!!!!!
now you'll know why i "HUH!" hahahaha.. anyway, i took it as it came.
everything is under control.. everything is under control... (say under my breath hypnotically)
i went to buy stuff after my paper!
normally after one paper, people would naturally declare the rest of the day free right?
hahha.. i'm part of that "people". :p
rossie lent me this beauty bible written by barbie hsu.
hahaha.. she disclosed some tips on how to make hair grow faster.
one of which is to use a hair tonic by shiseido.
it costs $70 in singapore and $40 in bangkok.
i'll be SIAO to go buy it now right? hahaha..
the second tip is to use seaweed based shampoo!!!
although it is rather drying on the hair, it makes the hair grow really fast!
i'm gonna TRRYYYY!!!! hahaha. i bought this seaweed conditioner from SASA! yay.
HOPE IT WORKS! :)) *hopeful*
bought new makeup remover too! :)
and two tops. hahaha.
promise me you won't tell my mom what i told you today.

the stripped zebra-ish top is just for day to day casual use.
but i love that white top! hehehe.. and its POLKA DOTS!!!! :))
i love it!

i also realised that there's this dress i bought from time ago..
and i haven't worn it out yet. sigh. because it is SO BODY HUGGING!!!!
i think i was close to losing my mind when i bought it the other time.
i wonder if a wide belt can make it look better.
because if i were to wear the dress out, i'll probably have to starve for 5 days prior and not drink or eat anything when wearing it if not my backside will explode under the dress.
if the following picture doesn't look like the dress is going to tear any moment, it is simply because my body was tilted 45 degrees. hahaha..
anyone reading my blog, if you have a really hot body and wanna buy this dress from me. lemme know. :""( it is really a v pretty skirt. boo. i hate my big ass. and belly. and thighs.
alright alright, no need to tag to console me.. i'll be fine after a while..
i think i should be studying soon!
my hands are itchy. i feel like attempting to make a brooch myself! :)
(0) love for pegs
Sunday, April 09, 2006
dada has been really nice yesterday.
he went with me over to woodlands library to mug with me! :))
although he got nothing to mug because he's on attachment now,
he ended up reading books and newspaper just to keep me company.
hehe.. i likkeee him.

i know niki's gonna say girls with flat button-mushroom noses are cute because they look like dolls. but i hate my nose. grrr.

i get bored pretty easily when i'm mugging or whatever. hahaha.. see me cam whoring here. :p
i went over to sin ming area to pay respects to my beloved grandpa this morning. and right now, the whole of my family is probably having fun at east coast park. hhumhppff! only me alone at home to mug! but miumiu was nice enough to volunteer to pop by and support me! :)
SO.... I'M GONNA COOK HIM DINNER! although i'm not skilled and don't have much experiences. i'll try! will tell you guys whether he likes what i'm gonna prepare! :D well, if its presentable enough, i'll consider posting pictures of my works. *smirks*
alrighty, its mask and mugging time now. taa!
(0) love for pegs
Friday, April 07, 2006
♥i am pegs, hear me miu♥
all these days, i've been mugging, mUgGiNg and MUGGING.mugging alone, mugging with friend, mugging with friends, mugging with miumiu.
mugging at home, mugging at miumiu's home, mugging in library, mugging on the train.
mug structures 1, mug civil engineering materials, mug computational methods, mug mug..
miumiu has been rather busy of late.
he has got his work to clear and i've got to study for my exams.
there is no time to lovey dovey, go shopping, watch movie, eat nice food.
we are so busy.
i went mugging with rosaline dear yesterday!
see. so busy mugging that i even forgot to take photos with her. dammit.
(next time we go mugging we take some pretty photos tgr too, babe!)
hee.. :))
she's so so so nice.
gave me this very pretty notebook as an encouragement to study hard!
i really think it's very pretty!
I LOVE IT ROSSIE! THANKS! :Di love the black gothic ribbons, and the once upon a time thingy. hehe..
i like "once upon a time"
only miumiu will understand this. haha.
anyway, thanks darling! :)
there's this new film i really feel like watching!
its called "take the lead"
about some ball room dance teacher gg to some school and inculcating some hip hop grooves into regular ball room dancing.
alright, i know it doesn't sound nice from the way i say it.
but then again, I'M GONNA CATCH IT!!!!!
i like the new UOB ladies card ad."Hurricanes are named after me.I am strong. I am tempestuous.I am the calm of Audrey Hepburn.Before the storm of Charlie's Angel.I may not be able to read maps sometimes.But at least I can ask for directions.I love shoes; (pegs: and clothes and nail polish too!)one pair is never enough.I can do everthing Fred Astaire did.Backwards and in high heels.I am woman, hear me roar."pegs: "RAAAAAAAA!!!!"
------------peggy's version--------"I can name different kinds of gummies.Apple tapes, even cola rings.I can eat 5 extra value meals.Before I share that plate of spaghetti with you.I may not be able to wake up for morning lessons sometimes.But at least I can ask for worked solutions from my classmates.I love stuffed toys;One dozen is never enough.I can sleep in many different positions.left side of the face on the pillow, or right side on the pillow.I am pegs, hear me miu."MEOWW~
(0) love for pegs
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
♥star tattoos for you?♥
i've got a star tattoo on my right wrist!
and i LOVE IT! :))

i fell in love with this woman's tattoo on her wrist when i first saw it long long time ago.
it's cute and cool at the same time!
so i'm very very determined to get something done on my wrist too!
on that fine day when i was going over to the tattoo parlour,
(i went alone!!)
i was clipping CLEO and saw
ashlee simpson's picture.
she had a star tatt too!!! hehee.

after some research, i now realise that gisele bundchen has a star tattoo on the inside of her left wrist too! i don't really like her. don't know why.
and it makes me wonder if that model in the first picture was gisele bundchen. hahhaha. BUT IF YOU ASK ME, i think don't really look like leh.. hmm.. (chews a pencil and scrutinizes the two pictures)
the model in the first picture has pretty normal-sized boobs. and the distance between her boobs is not as wide as the next picture of gisele bundchen you're going to see. and very obviously gisele bundchen has bigger huu-huu-s compared to that model.
one possibility that they are both gisele bundchen though! that is if she went for some bust enhancement thingy. yep. she's hot. but i think the bikini sucks. especially the bottom.
one question: why doesn't she get into trouble when she wears the US flag on her? vicki zhao wore it as a dress and got into deep trouble. and gisele bundchen is covering her boobs and ass with the damm flag here. although the flag here don't look EXACTLY like the USA flag.. but well...BUT...SHE.. it's... urgh. fuck. so unfair.

anyway, i love my star tattoo SOOO MUCH! although with it, i won't be able to try my luck at SIA or any other airlines and won't be able to fly as an air stewardess. i think its almost every girl's dream to fly around to see the world!
nah. not me. (sigh)
but then again, no regrets! because its so so so so soo pretty! hehehe.. least that's what i think! :p
and to my astonishment, i found out that eva longoria has a star tattoo on the inside of her left wrist too!!! i love eva longoria. she's sizzling hot! hehhe.. sounds so perverted. *drool*
i LOVE HER!!!!

lindsay lohan has one on her wrist too. but hers is really tiny and its coloured.
oh man.. hehe.. how come all pretty girls got a star tattoo on their wrists huh??
FWAHAHAHAHA... i'm mad. uurrgh! this is what studying will do to someone!!!!!! their tattoos are all on their left wrists but mine's on the right wrist. hmm.. what does it mean?
- doesn't mean anything. (opps, sorry, i'm ki-siaoing again)
hehehehe. i know... i should be studying and i'm doing such ridiculous things. hahaha. its normal. my system shuts down and is resistive to studying after 1am and when i'm alone especially. :p
i'm sleepy. and i think i'm seeing stars flying around. i should be sleeping!!!!
hehehehe... my skin is itching.
(0) love for pegs