Thursday, April 27, 2006
♥one more paper to go!♥
but before that happens,
i have already freed myself! HAHAHAHA!
went shopping with miumiu!! and we bought bags! hehehe.
i love bags i love bags!
my previous black bag is torn already!
so i bought a new one!
miumiu bought himself a new Pony bag too! *beams*
today's paper was rather ok.
although i couldn't do almost half of the paper, i was relieved to find out that most of my friends had problems too.
that means...
i'm going to start on my find-more-money plan!
i called up several agencies and see what we can do for each other.
sigh. my present agency is not really efficient in bringing jobs for me.
or should i say that i'm not really THAT good to be active in certain fields.
yeps. maybe you dunno what i'm talking about. haha.. never mind.
more agencies = more lobang!
i'm miss kiasu.
ANYWAY!i hope things go fine for me!
going to resume my "tuition regime" tomorrow too!
more money for me to shop in bangkok.
more money to spend! hahaha.
i think no man will dare to marry me.
my final shoutout!
"I LOVE MY BAG!!!!!!"i think my teeth really is rather yellowish! :(