Thursday, April 27, 2006
♥miss pegs gym♥
i went gym today!
feel so so so healthy now! hahaha.
went with melvyn, lionel, and kaidi!
it feels really good to meet up with old friends! hahaha..
lionel is just as goofy as before.
i did treadmill today. haha..
i am one girl who can't run for nuts!
there was once when i went night jogging with miumiu when we were still staying in hall.
i was very very tired already and couldn't run anymore!
but miumiu was very pushy!
he kept urging me to continue and jog slowly at least.
from then on, miumiu ALWAYS use this to make fun of me!
make me throw face!
he say nobody jog until cry on loh.
i ran for 20 mins today!yay. achievement! hahaha!i think i've lost weight!weird because i didn't do anything to make myself lose the weight.
but its a good thing anyway. hehehe!
i'm barely 48kg now! yay! i likeee!
but i think i still have lots of fats stucked in my thighs.
hahaha. and my cheeks!
the fats distribution is really quite bad.
my shoulders are very very boney. chest too.
and my ass so big. (-_-)
doesn't matter. haha..
anyway, i'll be going for an interview tomorrow!
to passerby** who tagged in my tagboard,
hmm.. actually its not call them up for lobangs
but i'm actually looking for an agency to represent me.
i used to have an agent but quitted already.
and now i'm only doing jobs only when i have friends who have lobang.
so i thought having a permanent agent will do me good.
anyway, i hope everything goes well tomorrow.
i'm always very stressed when it comes to this sort of things.
i spent 4 hours doing pedicure and manicure today!
i think it was time well spent!
from cuticles to buffing to shaping to polishing and moisturising!
i love it!although my nails are short, but i made them look very neat and clean now.
and i'm SOO proud of myself! :D

pardon my blackie feet. hahaha.

you guys have to watch this clip anyway!!