we went over to zouk and phuture.
phuture is packed like.... sardines sardines sardines...
everyone is standing so close together. not dancing.. but merely vibrating on the spot.
but i'm not really into mambo.
so we hopped around from mambo to phuture.
hahaha. miumiu is a huge mambo fan though. hehe!
and no doubt about it. it was so much more fun singing along to the mambo tunes.
and do those hilarious actions! :p
we went back to yishun for supper!
nice wanton mee and fish bal noodles.
i'm like SUUUUPPPER thirsty after the whole session!
drank so so so mch water at the coffee shop!!!
there you see us fooling around at the elderly exercise corner.
miumiu pretending to be the wheel of fortune babe with that roller thingy.
it was a superb wednesday night!
i ran into pretty daphne and benjamin and daphne. opps! i ran into 2 daphnes!
haha.. aite, it was fun.
i never thought going crazy dancing with miumiu can be this fun!
and no we didn't get wasted and sleep the morning away!
we prepared yummy pancake breakfast! and scrambled eggs with chilled honey drinks.
HOW NICE! :) :) :)
hehehe.. then we went swimmmming!
actually... i really really didn't wanna get tanned.
sigh. but well, to accompany miumiu.
i think he really wanted to go swimming. and i want to be there around with him.
so i donned my cap and shades and went along. hehe.
he took my brother's trunks.
and mind you, my brother is in primary 6!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha.. i bought my brother this pair of trunks last year.
and little did i know that one day, my boyfriend is going to wear it.
he look totally GAY!
i cannot stand MEN in TURQUOISE TRUNKS.
thank god i didn't buy my brother that hot pink pair back then!!!!
ARRGGGHHHH... hahaha!
anyway, luckily there weren't alot of fags there.
so he was quite safe.
if we went yishun safra instead, there is a high chance he might get "backstabbed" in the toilet.
(backstab - dada's language, which means stabbed at the back)
miumiu said i looked less toned as compared to the past!
ARGH. that's the worse thing to hear from your boyfriend.
i hate him!!!!
i think he kinda hates me too. :p