Tuesday, December 13, 2005
♥the pressie for dada♥
i finally completed the mirror i made for dada!!!
it is black with a long strand of black beads decorating its rim,
with pieces of cut up CD randomly stucked on it.
i also used white beads to painstakingly make out a word "respect"
well. this is not like the respect for missy elliot.
but to remind dada the importance of respect for his family members.
respect for me. hahaha..
respect is very important in any relationships.
always speak properly and etc.
that is also something i have to keep in mind too. :)
speaking like a philosopher sia~ lol.
hope dada will like it!!!
will be delivering to dada's house later after i do my manicure
i'm doing another job at fullerton tomorrow.
i really hope everything will go on smoothly.
hehe.. working together with pretty victoria is going to be cool.
must rememebr to take camera to take pretty photos with her!
hee! :D
thursday working in sentosa too!
friday is tuition day and going out with paul to visit our new office in town.
saturday is picnic day with my kickass family in east coast park!
and another photoshoot on sunday with xiaochong.
xiaochong (if ure reading this): you never pay me huh!
so better gimme nice nice photos! haha.. i'll do my part by bringing all my pretty accessories and clothes there!
hahaha... aite, hope its going to be a great week for me!
yippeee! poof!~
left to right, down:
the whole mirror!, closed up, victory mee!
me gloating over my success! hha.., my workspace, the CRACK I MADE! GRR!
covered the crack with a photo. :p
hee! i just brought the mirror over to daa's house.
and he likes it!!!! hehehe! yippeee~
and i found out that hi twin brother actually reads my blog! haha..
*waves* hi shaofeng! :p
here's some photos while we were bored stiff travelling to yishun earlier.
with my damm act cute hair. :p
my pretty green stud!
viola! nice end for the day! had a yummy ramly burger just now.
and yah. i don't call them ramly burger.
i call them sweaty burger. haha..
because the person preparing it is always so so sweaty! teheehee.