Saturday, November 26, 2005
♥imm day!! :D♥
went imm with my cuzzies, mom, aunt and miu today! hapy day!
hehehe.. we had great great fun trying out all the wigs there. :)
too bad miu didn't come over tonight. sigh..
he's going to start work in army again soon. :'(
gonna miss him. sigh. poor ah miu. next time cannot stick to him like glue now already.
left to right, down:twin1 (raynald), twin2 (philson), my balding mother. hahaaha...balding raynald(hahaha), the willy wonka mutant 1, mutant 2.the horny shit, the ah guah obasan, reindeer boy :)
left to right, down:raylene and me, miu and i, cuzzies! :)aunty eating, us!! , us and pretty balloon structure, raylene and the structure, playground filled with KIDS!, my brudder's obsession.