Tuesday, May 03, 2005

just finished effective communication paper. it was.. short. hee. in fact, i'm gg tanning now!
i'm fading! hiak~ gonna tan until i look like neeeegro! haha.. heurmphh.. actually, i'm supposed to go MUSTAFA with ah daa. but he's lazy. (what's new) and hence we gonna gifit a missa! sian.
i wanna do face threading, buy henna, buy ahbu neh neh bling bling and eat masala thosai!
gonna bring my daijiao and guai lan back home later or they'll be very lonely in hall alone. and must bathe them too! heee.. i like to see their fur shine! *lalala* they are handsome hammies!
really wanna get a job real soon. sigh. i've got so many things to do. dnd, my girly stuff, work, sigh. really hope school would be a breeze for me.

i'm so proud of my new bikini!! it has white base, with printed cartoony flowers. those with big regular-shaped blue and green leaves, and huge petals of red, orange, pink, white, yellow. and light pink trimmings at the side. it is so pretty i feel like eating it. *smuah*
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